Personalized Pregnancy Nutrition Support During Pregnancy

Effective pregnancy nutrition management requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the physiological, dietary, and emotional challenges of pregnancy. Understanding the unique nutritional needs and challenges faced by individuals during pregnancy is crucial to ensuring both mother and baby are receiving adequate nutrition need for the development of the baby throughout all stages of pregnancy. Our assessments and educational programs are designed to guide expectant mothers at every stage of their pregnancy journey with a focus on practical, evidence-based solutions for managing macronutrient and micronutrient intake and offers strategies to address dietary aspects of a healthy pregnancy.

Successful pregnancy nutrition management demands a holistic approach that addresses physical, dietary, and emotional challenges. Our program guides expectant mothers through each pregnancy stage, providing practical, evidence-based solutions for macronutrient and micronutrient intake, ensuring a healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby.

Evidence-Based Nutrition

Medical Therapeutic Diets

Medical Therapeutic Diets

Evidence-based therapeutic diets are formulated to align with specific medical needs. Rooted in rigorous research and best clinical practices, these nutritional strategies are designed to complement medical interventions and enhance patient well-being. Regular consultations ensure that dietary recommendations remain relevant and effective over time.

Medical Therapeutic Diets

CBT-Focused Behavioural Change

The application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles aids in addressing the psychological underpinnings of dietary choices. As a reputable therapeutic technique, CBT offers insights into understanding and adjusting nutrition-related behaviors. With guidance from our experienced clinician, patients receive a comprehensive approach to modifying their dietary habits.

Medical Therapeutic Diets

Personalized Plans

Every individual has unique nutritional needs. Through thorough assessments, personalized dietetic strategies are crafted to align with both lifestyle and specific health considerations. With continuous oversight from our dedicated clinician, each plan is designed to adhere to evidence-based guidelines, ensuring optimal health outcomes.

Pregnancy Nutrition Support
Assessment ($159.99 CAD) - 1hr
- Evaluation of eating patterns influencing pregnancy health.
- Insights into managing macronutrient and micronutrient intake.
CBT and Nutrition ($159.99 CAD) - 1hr
- Techniques to cope with the emotional complexities of pregnancy.
- Strategies to tackle dietary restrictions and lifestyle adjustments necessary for managing pregnancy nutrition.
Nutrition Education and Myths ($124.99 CAD) - 45min
- Dissecting misconceptions about pregnancy nutrition.
- Highlighting foods that support maternal and fetal health.
Identifying Personal Barriers and Triggers ($124.99 CAD) - 45min
- Uncovering dietary choices potentially impacting pregnancy health.
- Support in understanding factors influencing pregnancy nutrition.
Personalized Planning ($124.99 CAD) - 45min
- Formulating a nutrition plan tailored for optimal pregnancy health.
- Regular modifications based on individual feedback and evolving health metrics.

In partnership with

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Our meticulously crafted five-session program at DeJong Health Consulting offers a comprehensive guide towards achieving nutritional requirement and improved overall well-being for both mother and baby.

The program begins with an in-depth Assessment session, highlighting individual eating and physical activity patterns, as well as stress management and their impact on maternal and fetal health. This session offers insights into effective management of macronutrient and micronutrient intake, understanding the dietary considerations crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

Next, the CBT Nutrition session integrates cognitive and behavioral techniques to support expectant mothers in making informed dietary choices and managing the emotional aspects of pregnancy. This method aims to help women develop a positive mindset towards their dietary requirements during pregnancy, address any emotional or psychological factors affecting their nutritional choices, and promote healthy eating habits. CBT Nutrition in pregnancy focuses on the unique nutritional needs of expectant mothers, including the management of macronutrient and micronutrient intake, to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby throughout pregnancy.

The Nutrition Education session addresses the dietary complexities of managing pregnancy nutrition. Here, we offer guidance on meal planning, understanding food labels, and making informed dietary choices to support maternal and fetal health. Our session is designed to debunk common misconceptions about pregnancy nutrition while emphasizing foods and dietary practices that aid in effective nutrition management during pregnancy.

As we progress, the Identifying Personal Barriers and Dietary Triggers session becomes crucial in pinpointing and addressing individual dietary habits that might impact pregnancy health. This session also offers support in managing and understanding factors that influence a healthy pregnancy. Concluding our program, the Personalized Planning session focuses on crafting a tailored nutrition plan for optimal pregnancy health, with periodic modifications based on individual feedback and evolving health metrics.

Each session acts as a foundation, building towards a comprehensive understanding of effective pregnancy nutrition management. By engaging in the entire suite of sessions, individuals garner a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies, setting them on a path towards holistic well-being and confident pregnancy nutrition control. With this comprehensive approach, clients are equipped to navigate the intricacies of nutrition requirement during pregnancy with greater self-assurance and efficacy.

Meet Sabrina

Sabrina Photo

Meet Sabrina

Sabrina is a graduate of Brescia University, having completed her internship at Aramark. She has over 10 years experience working in hospitals in Ontario on medical floors such as Intensive Care Unit(ICU), Rehabilitation, General Medicine, and Cardiac. In addition, Sabrina has the following highlights:

  • Professor at Centennial College where she teaches Nutrition, Recipe Development and Menu Planning
  • Over 2 years of experience as a Clinical Community Dietetian with a specialization on gastrointestinal disorders, cancer recovery, heart disease, eating disorders and other nutrition related disorders
  • Sabrina has worked with populations of all ages and is fluent in Spanish

Sabrina is an advocate of evidence-based practices, and understands that behavioural change is a gradual process that can be unlocked using healthy and adaptive approaches.

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